Fractional CFO

Start making better financial ​decisions in 2 weeks

Gain clearer visibility on your financial future through informed, data-driven ​forecasting, custom dashboards, and sharp reporting.

Let go of your financial worries and allow me to help you grow your top line and ​improve your bottom line.

Too many start-ups and SME leaderslack either the time or expertise to ​make informed decisions.

Financial uncertainty becomes a bottleneck.

Oftentimes, the pressure stemming from growth requirements ​becomes so intense, that it seems impossible to have the time ​for anything else.

As you grow, navigating complex financial challenges becomes ​a bottleneck hindering progress.


Potential Risks


Ca​sh-Flow Issues

Uncertainty regarding cash is the most dangerous risk ​you​r organization can face.


Po​or decision-making

How will you know if your new marketing campaign or ​recruitment plan can be funded? O​r their P&L impact?


Strategic missteps

Making strategic decisions without someone who can ​support the strategy formulation, execution, or ​adjustment can lead to the failure of long-term objectives.

What I do


structure your data..

provide financial reports..

craft elaborate forecasts..

create custom dashboards..

design a new strategic direction..

And solve financial and strategic hurdles ​hindering your development.

Business Data Analytics Dashboard

Receive your first

in 4 steps


Discovery Call

Share your interrogations, ​your needs and get to know ​me.


Scope review

We review and agree on the ​scope of services and ​pricing.


Share data

Share relevant data and ​answer few questions ​about the business.


Receive Insight

Get your first high-value ​insights 2 weeks after you ​shared your data.

After working with dozens of SMEs ​over the last 8+ years, I’ve ​developed a methodology to help ​business owners sustainably reach ​past the 7 and 8-figure barriers.

Comprehensive Analysis

A strong analysis takes a holistic approach to ​the company, looking inside key departments, ​not being exclusively finance-focused.

Proper Toolkit

“A craftsman is only as good as his tools” is ​also true for business leaders. Identifying and ​setting up proper tools is key to sustainable ​business health.

Powerful Insights

We know that what gets measured gets ​managed. Providing both short-term insights ​and long-term planning is the vital part of our ​success equation.

Case ​Studies

KPI Analytics Dashboard With Graphs

Custom Forward-Looking ​Revenue Dashboards for ​Recruitment SME

The strategy orientated team

Strategy development ​for Marketing Agency

Spreadsheet table paper with pencil. Finance development, Bankin

Advanced Forecasting ​for an HR Tech start-up

Woman Working at Woodworking Studio






Over 252

Forecasts Formulated

Client Testimonials

Thanks to Remi’s expertise, we ​were able to present clean ​statements and forecasts to ​public investment institutions, ​securing some serious grants.

Ludovic Sinet

Even if we hired a Fractional ​CFO, it does not feel fractional. ​Through Remi’s business ​intelligence and keen eye, it’s ​hard to take an important ​decision without his input now!

Thibault Garcia

I thoroughly enjoyed our ​strategic retreat. My partner ​and I were looking for a ​strategic sparring partner to ​support decision-making -- ​and it worked! We have never ​been as structured and ​confident about our direction.

Pierre Herubel

Fractional CFO

Act on your ambition.

Lead your company towards ​sustainable growth, and profitability.